I had the first sputtering, smoking ember of an idea for a blog post earlier today. I even had an idea of the images to accompany it...
...I forgot what it was going to be about. :(
Le sigh!
So I thought I'd write about forgetting, and I came across this lovely quotation:
"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow,
yet we forget that he is someone today."
yet we forget that he is someone today."
~ Stacia Tauscher
I thought that was simply marvelous. Of course I have no idea who Stacia Tauscher is, so I googled her and found THIS. So it seems I'm not the first to head down this path.
I'm OK with that.
So, the book cover (I think it's a clicker, but I've never tried to make an image in a blog clickable before, so I'm hoping) led me to explore (via the interweb) more about what the innards of the book might consist of, and I found a chapter titled: "Life is Tough - But Then Again, Compared to What?" And I thought THAT was amazingly clever and insightful.
I'm OK with that.
So, the book cover (I think it's a clicker, but I've never tried to make an image in a blog clickable before, so I'm hoping) led me to explore (via the interweb) more about what the innards of the book might consist of, and I found a chapter titled: "Life is Tough - But Then Again, Compared to What?" And I thought THAT was amazingly clever and insightful.
4 animadversions:
I'm smiling
partly because I'm now humming a tune (which, strangely, I was humming a few days earlier), partly because your book reminds me of one I read this summer and was thinking I might read again but I had forgotten that (d'oh), and partly because I liked the link to the woman who hadn't found anything (reminds me of people looking up the follow-up song to Where Do You Go To My Lovely)
thank you for smile!
Well, I'm smiling too--go figure!
Partly cuz you both were humming. LOL Partly cuz I'm not....well, not that tune anyway. (dang, busted myself out!) Partly cuz I think I could write that book! (mostly cuz stuff falls out of my brain and I NEED that book!)
And partly cuz......you just make me smile.
hey sweetie!
have a happy day
(word ver: rated. . . which you are)
Well that's a lot of thoroughly good thoughts to carry around for a while.
I could ceretainly do with a book like that!
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