Rimshot's Personal Journal Entry 413: 07 May 2012 It seems these "hoomahns" have a particular liking for war, self-aggrandizement, exploitation of others for a myriad of reason and meat on a stick. Which is not to say they're entirely without beneficial qualities. Why, in some small subsections of the species, I've observed genuine compassion, a concern for the welfare of others and several acts of selflessness where one of them puts the needs of others before their own without any thought to compensation or personal gain. Sadly, these isolated incidents of philanthropy and largess barely register against the big picture of disputes over boundaries, social and economic differences and any number of other sins against humanity. I've reported my findings to the Triune Lords and hope that my wording and emphasis of the potential salvation of their kind has been enough to prevent what I fear is neigh inevitable... annihilation.
2 animadversions:
UH oh..... This sounds very, very bad.......
Annihilation is likely.
In the meantime, perhaps narrowing your focus to specific subsections will be helpful in restoring faith... if we're going down we might as well enjoy the time we have!
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